
22 February 2016

Final Week for February Challenge: #54

Looking forward, Looking back - with a TWIST to add a window (or a mirror)

To inspire you a little more there is a prize - chosen by random number - and there is also a chance of being selected as the DT Favourite 

The Prize
There are two Couture Creation Dies - small - up for grabs this month

I have been a bit busy lately - travelled to Melbourne (for me that's over seas!) to see the Granddaughter in the Edinburgh Tattoo performance in Melbourne. She is part  of the NZ Army Band. a fabulous weekend, and we stayed on and visited with family.

This was opening night at the Etiad Stadium. - they rebuilt the Edinburgh  castle for the event, but it was probably out of cardboard! We were looking forward to going to this and seeing her perform live, and then we have all the photo's and video's and memories to look back on - the window is the lens from the camera!

We have some Design Team inspiration again for you - perhaps some of this will give you te incentive to make and enter the challenge!

There are windows in the ute.

  22     Last Week
Plaque for a cat lovers' New Home

Quilled Wedding Keepsake

(with flowers from the Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow bush in the window)

So, enter 

by scrolling down to the Linky thingy

15 February 2016

Week Three for Challenge #54: Looking Forward, Looking Back

Wow, time is doing that thing again it does - flying away before we can see what has actually  happened! I know that you are all beavering away in your craft caves producing something amazing to add to our February Challenge, which is: 

Looking forward, Looking back - with a TWIST to add a window or a mirror

To inspire you a little more there is a prize - chosen by random number - and there is also a chance of being selected as the DT Favourite(s) 

The Prize
There are two Couture Creation Dies - small - up for grabs this month

Here is a bit more inspiration to spur you on!
Yes, another kit!

Card and matching envelope

You can enter by going 

scroll down and find the linky!

08 February 2016

Week Two for Challenge #54: Looking Forward, Looking Back

Hello Peeps! Hope your week has gone well. 

School has gone back here, after the long summer holiday's and life is returning to normal. I have a photo for you, taken this morning at Lauderdale Beach (in the South-East of Tassie) by Greg Faull. He is such a gifted photographer and he loves this state. 

It's a bit overcast this morning but that will burn off soon and the sun will shine through.
I thought this photo followed the theme of our current challenge quite well - the old and the new, with the 'mirror' of the sea reflecting the sky!

Remember the challenge is
Looking forward, Looking back - TWIST a window or mirror

This month we are challenging you to take a look towards or into the future, and at the same time, reference looking back to the past. 

There are many way you can go with this challenge and the TWIST  - here are some:
Birthdays, Valentines, Anniversaries, Births, Weddings and all that comes in between!

To inspire you a little more there is a prize - chosen by random number - and there is also a chance of being selected as the DT Favourite(s) 

The Prize
There are two Couture Creation Dies - small - up for grabs this month

Normally we would be announcing winner's here too from the last challenge, but I did that back in January for December, and we had no Challenge in January - so, no winners to announce!

No Guest Designer's this month either, but some wonderful inspiration from the Design Team Girls, including a big welcome back to Shylaa, who has been on sick-leave!

A card for a new home owner.  I've used a little die-cut house for the twist.

Best wishes card for a new home

Looking through the window of the camera to someone looking back - 
Birthday's are a beginning too!

So you can go HERE, scroll down and enter your version of this theme. 
Remember, no stamps please.

01 February 2016

Ready for a New Year and a New Challenge #54?

We are!

Challenge #54, 2016

Looking forward, Looking back - TWIST a window or mirror

This month we are challenging you to take a look towards or into the future, and at the same time, reference looking back to the past. There is an Australian song by past iconic songster Slim Dusty (Country and Western) and as soon as I thought of this challenge, that song popped into my mind.

These are the first two verses:

Looking forward, looking back
I’ve come a long way down the track
Got a long way left to go
Making songs, from what I know

Making sense of what I’ve seen
All the love we’ve had between
You and I, along the track
Looking forward, looking back

Now, there are many way you can go with this challenge and the TWIST of the window or mirror:

Birthdays, Valentines, Anniversaries, Births, Weddings and all that comes in between!

To inspire you a little more there is a prize - chosen by random number - and there is also a chance of being selected as the DT Favourite(s) - an honor that does not garner any material wealth but does allow you to boast a lot on your blog!

The Prize
There are two Couture Creation Dies - small - up for grabs this month

You will have until the 26th February to enter this challenge, and your entry can be anything involving paper craft EXCEPT stamping or using a digi stamp  - and to inspire you even further here are some pieces made by some of the Design Team - please go and leave a lovely comment on their blog to let them know how much their work is appreciated!

A Wedding is a new beginning of a life together with your partner.
Twist window in background

A woman looking forward to her golden years as she looks backwards 
and reflects on her beautiful past.

CG made this encourage her to continue with the positive changes in her life.

A card for a young friend who has just purchased her own home in the country

Here is the Linky thingy - just add your piece here
We look forward to seeing what you create!