
09 January 2017

Winner for December's challenge

Remember December? It was just a few days ago - I think. I spent it in a blur of arrangements and card making and shopping, and just when it all settled down - hospital rooms, and Dr's surgeries as well!

My husband, who had not been well for a few days, produced a very swollen lower limb on the 23rd, and by Christmas Eve was in hospital with Cellulitis - a nasty infection. Not before he had been scanned for DVT as well! A houseful of guests, a fridge full of food - Christmas went on without him. He was much better off in hospital anyway! I think I had an extra glass of champers that day!

It is his birthday on the 30th, and he determined to be home for that - and our Granddaughter celebrated her 21st on the 27th, so by the time New Years came around, I was exhausted! I am just recovering now and will take another week off after this one.

Thank goodness that Unstampabelles always take January off!

I hope your Christmas was excellent and that your New Year amazing and that we all enjoy a healthy and happy 2017!

In the meantime, there are prizes to be announced! 

Before I do that, a very heartful thanks to all you wonderful crafters out there who take on our challenges in 2016 and produce amazing things, taking many paths to meet the themes and the twists and thus extending our knowledge of craft! Thank you too for the lovely comments and wonderful people who comment, some every time.

A big extra full heartfelt thank you also to my wonderful DT team. You also have met the challenges in some amazing and fascinating ways, extending my imagination and exceeding my expectations! You probably do not know how much I appreciate you - but it is vast, I can tell you!

Winner of the Prize


Congratulations Ladies 

So, see you next month on the first Monday in February with the first challenge for 2017!
In the meantime - Happy Crafting!