
18 January 2021

December winners!

Happy New Year (again)  

Our year started well with a new edition arriving on Saturday (yesterday)

His name is Bingo and he is 8 weeks old.

Weasley is coming to terms with sharing but this morning was the first real face-off - through a window, needless to say. Things are a bit better - no more hissing and growling going on. Bingo is behaving himself much better now! Weasley has been a good boy and just spent time looking but the body language says it all!

The boys are supposed to get on and be friends  - we will see. 

Now, there were some winners to be announced.......

For the random number draw winner.....


Contact me Karin and I will send the prize

The two Design Team's Favorites are


Congratulations ladies!

We will be back in February.....if I survive the cats!

10 January 2021

Welcome to 2021

 Hello Peeps!

Happy 2021!

Here's hoping it is a lot better than last year, eh!

I hope your Christmas festivities went well and that

all are safe and relatively happy.

I will announce the winners for December next week

Life has been a  bit hectic here and I need another week to get organised. 

Remember, the Belle's take a month off at this time of the year to enjoy the summer (if in the southern part of the world) or just have a respite. We will be back in February.

Meanwhile, if you are interested in becoming a Belle for 2021, just email me with your details


See you next week!