
04 May 2015

May's Challenge #47 - Family History

Hello everyone - I hope you are all well and safe, and enjoying the season. We are having a gentle slide into winter, and today has been bonny! I do enjoy a good autumnal day. This was our place early one morning last week......

Constitution Dock with Mount Wellington in the background left
Photo taken by Greg Faull

Well, we obviously made life too difficult for you all last month, expect for an intrepid four who had a go at our challenge - winners will be announced next Monday as per usual so you will have to curb your curiosity for seven days!

This month we are thinking about family - not just mothers - and what the various members of it mean to us, and indeed what makes a family. Some of us have different families to others and it would be nice to hear about your families in your blogs when you enter.

The theme is 

Family History - who is in your family tree? 

Make a scrap page or create a card or photo page/inside a frame about a family member 
who is in the past. 

The TWIST is to make it VINTAGE

This is the prize being offered:

Pillow Box die - glue shows size

We have several Guest Designers this month, and today we are sharing one by 
Ramona, from Create with Joy
Ramona wrote that 
"This layout is very special because my Mom is no longer with me - she went to heaven a little over a year ago - and I am still processing the loss. This photo was taken before I was born. She served our country as a Marine at a time when that sort of thing was unheard of - and I often reflect upon the courage, commitment and pioneering spirit she must have had as a young woman to pursue that path."

In addition, our Design Team have come up with some beautiful inspiration projects for you to peruse and I would urge you to go to their blogs and give them all the love they deserve! 


  1. Hello DT members, cool challenge, seems i'm the first this month! Hope they will be lot of entries!

  2. Thank you so much for the honor of allowing me to join your talented Design Team this month for this VERY special challenge!

    Time with our family is never appreciated more than when they are gone. I hope that as we reflect upon our loved ones from the past, it will help us to realize what a treasure we have in those that are still with us - and to let them know how much they mean to us each and every day.

    Have a beautiful and blessed week!

    Create With Joy

  3. Hi every body! Did you post the winner for april challenge? I can't find it on the blog!

    1. Monday is tomorrow for us Chris - you are a day ahead. Look out for some good news!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.