
18 April 2016

Midway for April Challenge #56

Hello Peeps - well another week and another reminder of our current challenge. The theme is

Flora AND Fauna


Talking of Fauna, here is a very endangered bird from Tassie

Edition 170 A forty-spotted pardalote
The 40 spotted pardelote, which has been called a 'farmer' bird because it taps the leaves an branches to urge the tree to put out manna, or a type of food sap

Cute, eh?

Back to our challenge.......
Remember there is a random prize

And we also choose a DT Favourite

We have some more inspiration for you as well

I love dalmatian puppies!

A wee house!

So, scroll down to the first post for April to find the linky to add your project and 
don't forget - no stamps or digi's please. 

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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.