
19 September 2016

Week Three begins for the current challenge: #61 Changing Seasons

The twist this month is to make it masculine!

Midway through the challenge - Changing Seasons

Details and the Linky are below, so scroll down to week one and find them.

Here in the lovely land of Tassie, we have spring in full measure. The trees are laden with blossom and flowers, and the rain is doing it's best to spoil them. The wind blows inbetween and occasionally the sun comes out and the weather warms up!

This lovely stem of apple(cherry?) blossom was taken at the Royal Hobart Botanical Gardens today in the rain by one of my favourite photographers - Greg Faull - and he has just posted it to FB.  

It will soon be time for the tulip festival there!
(Yes, another Greg photo)

Some more inspiration for you

New Home card - inspired from Pinterest

So, - short and sweet this week
Let's see what you can create!!

Remember, it does not have to be a card.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.