
10 February 2020

Week 2: Who Am I? Challenge#97


Our challenges are always quirky and as you cannot use stamps, it makes you think about your stash in a slightly different way. As well, we have a TWIST - for those who want an additional challenge and want to be eligible for the DT Favorite. 

This time we have a challenge that is all about YOU

Who am I? (Must be Positive) 
Create something that reflects who you are..........

plus a

TWIST....use bright colours and/or explain a bit about yourself
and why you created this piece in your journalling.

(Remember: to be eligible for DT Favorite you should attempt the twist.)

There is also a Random Number draw prize
To win this, you just have to enter and be eligible by 
following the theme and not using stamps

It is usually the same

$15 Aust as a gift voucher/PayPal transfer

The Design Team have some more inspiration to get you working.
This week we have a new member of the team

What reflects me? Pink and sweet and lots of smiles.
I'm also a little dreamy from time to time.

"Hello! My name is Eemeli and I am a telecommunications engineer from Finland. For years I have spent my days mainly with just guys and my mind works 100% like an engineer, so you can imagine my design style is therefore non-girly and more or less cas. Straight lines and mathematically balanced overalls is what I like. Don't expect to find alot of fluffy girly embellishments on my creations :)

I have been crafting my whole life. I started making Christmas cards as a young girl (back in the 80s) and as a blogger I will be celebrating my 9 year blogaversary this February. I have never had a big budget (most of the years I have been a student) when it comes to crafting and sometimes it has been a challenge but with a little bit of imagination anything is possible. I am also very keen on sports so in wintertime you'd probably find me on my alpine skis during weekends and summer is all about playing golf."

Looking forward the upcoming commitment and joining the fabulous team!


Here is Eemili's first piece

There you go - another week to ponder your piece and then create up a storm! See you soon!
(PS Happy Birthday to my eldest granddaughter as well!)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.