
12 May 2020

Who Needs a Heading Anyway!

ED: sorry - scheduling didn't work!

Wow, week two in May already!

Hope all is going well with you and yours.

Well, Australia seems to be flattening that curve well but unfortunately other places are not having such a good time - I hope you are all keeping safe and not too stir crazy!

I need to announce that winners will be announced next week

I am slack - I apologize - and didn't get the team organized in time
so made an executive decision to draw off the pressure by announcing them next week.

Until then we have some new pieces to show you for the second week of the May Challenge

Challenge #100

Wings and Wind TWIST predominantly Blue and White

Because this is a bit of a milestone we will be having  bigger prize pool this month

A surprise package of goodies
for each of the DT Farourite winners as well as the Random Number winner.

The Random number draw is still
$15 Aust to Paypal or

Gift Voucher to place of choice
(only if they will accept Paypal from me for this)

The Design Team members this week have created some beautiful pieces
to get you going.

You can enter your piece(s) at the Linky in Week one!

PLEASE remember - NO STAMPS 


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.