
17 May 2021

Midway through May Challenge #111: Adventures with TWIST of doing something 3 times

 #111: ADVENTURES TWIST use something three times

Hello Peeps
It's a brisk autumnal day in southern Tasmania with sunshine and cold winds combining to make the leaves fall from the trees and the sun shine through the branches!

I have been studying when I can and my companion, when not stealing paper clips, keeps me company!

This is the middle of the challenge for May and we have some wonderful pieces of work entered for the challenge. Remember, you need to do the TWIST to be considered for the DT Favorite....and NO STAMPS PLEASE...although this message is getting through now.

The inspiration this week is inspirational!

What can you create for this theme?

You have two weeks left!

1 comment:

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.