
25 October 2021

Last week for October Challenge#116: Everyone has a Story...with a TWIST of using a page from a book

 Hello Peeps. 

I love reading...but lately I find I am too tired to really read a lot. The trouble is, if it is a ripping yarn, I will read it from cover to cover regardless of the time, meaning I often will still be up reading at 4.00 am. So I have to ration what I read. Currently I have about five books on the go - ones I can pickup, read a chapter (ie Soil by Matthew Evans - its about dirt) and put back down. I like some autobiographiy styles too for this (Julia Gillard's book on Women and Power is great). Others I have to concentrate to get the characters back into my head and often I will only read for a bit - it gets too desperate or horrible or I am bored I put it back into the pile and go to bed.  Some however,  I devour - and these are the dangerous stories, because I pay for the loss of sleep and the story will often resonate in my head for days too. 

At one stage I thought I might write a story too but that is much harder than I anticipated.

However, people all have personal stories too. I have found in art journalling that I tend to want to tell a story, usually my own. I also belong to a few art journalling websites  and that seems to be the theme of the majority of the layouts presented on these sites. Some stories are secret and covered up - some are all out there for all to see. This story telling aspect has also affected my card making lately too...hence the theme of October

#116: Everyone has a Story             


TWIST: use a page from a book somewhere in your piece

(This use of a page is problematic also - the idea of tearing out a page horrifies me so I go for old books and try not to wince when I rip. I find one way of doing it is to photocopy and then tear or cut that page up - doesn't hurt nearly as much!)

I saw this idea on that great data base Pinterest

This is what I would like to do more of when the great pandemic is over and we can all emerge blinking into the daylight......exploring not sailing. (I am too old now to sail anymore. Loved it when I was younger but my balance and strength do not make it pleasant any more. Still like to see boats on the water though......)  It is about being able to explore at home too thought, through the pages of a good yarn! The page is from the dictionary again - this time about travelling.

What is your story?

You have a week to enter.........


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.