
22 June 2015

Challenge #47 Hero's: Final Week

Hello Peeps!
I have been watching the number of followers creeping up, and so I have decided to offer a small prize for the 300'th follower to join Unstampabelles. If you are a lurker, now is the time to join!
More details on this next month!

On to our current challenge #47:

The theme for June is Who is Your Hero/Heroine? 
We all have someone we look up to and admire

Create a mixed media item to celebrate your hero

The twist is to journal about it in your blog

This is the prize on offer

Before we look at some final work from the DT, I have to announce that due to work commitments, the immensely talented Tracey Fehr has had to leave us. We hope that life works out for her and her hubby, and that she can get some time and space to craft with us again, but in the meantime, Tracey we will miss your involvement with us and your fascinating projects. Thank you for being a part of this team.

This means of course that we have a vacancy on the DT - if you are interested in being part of our team, contact me for more details.

Shyla has added a project DESPITE moving house!

I made this card to thank my wonderful Design Team for all their efforts!

(My heroes are my husband & his living kidney donor; 
and everyone who helped us through our journey)

Isn't CG's work amazing!
A real memory box

Well, that should surely get those ideas stirring in the brain and itching to be expressed.
We would love to see what you have made
Remember, no stamps - mixed media with a theme of HERO's

Enter your work


  1. Great inspiration. Wonderful heroes/heroines.

  2. LOL.....I think you might be making people hold OFF on becoming followers so they have a chance at being #300 and getting the prize. I went ahead and joined up to help push things along a little faster. I won't get a prize, but I have been a lurker for some time now and it is time to follow officially. :) Five more to go, now!

    Looking forward to the next challenge. Last one had me flummoxed!! lol...
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    1. Perhaps.....however, it is hard to announce the event and not alert people as well. We hope you can join in the challenge for July - it's really easy, and as long as you don't use stamps we are pretty accommodating. You don't have to do the twist to join in, and with the name of your blog, I think this month's will be a sinch for you!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.