
15 June 2015

Week Three for June - Who is Your Hero?

The theme is Who is Your Hero/Heroine? 
We all have someone we look up to and admire

Create a mixed media item to celebrate your hero

Your hero may be your spouse or another family member, a national or international figure or indeed a fictional person. 

The twist is to journal about it in your blog

Now, don't tell me you don't have a hero - I am certain we all do - and there are lots of ways you can create a mixed media item to show the world (well, the crafty world) who is your hero currently.

This is the prize on offer

Here are some pieces from the Design Team to lead the way and get your juices flowing with ideas and ways you can describe your hero(s). 

Felicity Aston 
Adventurer and Explorer of the Antarctica (and some more)

(My Mom is my Hero)
Altered book. Explained my hero (great granny) in my post

My first go at a journalling page

Why not go to Pinterest and look up Multi-media items and then adapt/adopt something you find that you like and make it your item to enter!

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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.