
08 June 2015

May's Winner for Challenge#47

Second week always belongs to the winners. We are announcing only one winner this month, as the Design Team Favourite and the Random Number winner are one and the same person! 
I guess it happens occasionally!

Our winner and DT Favourite for May is.....

.......drum roll, drum roll........

who has won this die and our admiration for her beautiful album dedicated to her Mother.

Congratulations Alicia

For those of you disappointed it wasn't you, there is another challenge on for June

 This is the prize on offer - two stencils

The theme is Who is Your Hero/Heroine? 
We all have someone we look up to and admire

Create a mixed media item to celebrate your hero
Your hero may be your spouse or another family member, a national or international figure or indeed a fictional person. 
The twist is to journal about it in your blog

Today we have two Guest Designers to inspire you

Chris created two pieces for me as she forgot in the heat of creation the non-stamp rule and had to do over to create this beauty, in praise of the mighty Alice! We have all been down that particular rabbit hole: forgetting about no stamping I mean and then having to remake!

...who did exactly the same thing as Chris and had to have another attempt - even experienced players in this challenge fall foul sometimes.  However, you can see that both Guest Designers got around their hiccup and produced lovely multi media items with no stamps to be seen in this lovely layout depicting her daughter who is her hero.

It can be done

The women who have to live with (and sometimes die from)  Breast Cancer
This one uses a stencil, ink and glitter texture paste!

Your project can be whatever you wish it to be - a card, a box, a tag, a scrap page, a frame or a repurposed object - as long as it is relevant to the theme of Your Hero.
The twist is easy this month - just mention in your blog or wherever you store your image exactly what the Hero thing for you is all about.

You can go 

to link up.


  1. Congratulations Alicia. You have to be in it to win it friends so start on your entry today.

  2. thanks so much ladies! I am so excited!!


  3. Congrats to Alicia! And i'd like to say i'm so glad to be a guest for this month challenge!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. The Design Team really appreciate it. Have fun with the challenge.