Hello Peeps
The last week to bring out the magical and create something that represents
for you and as a TWIST can be related to one of the many Walt Disney films made over the years since the early 1930's.
Googling Walt Disney films gives us three pages--it is pretty easy to just link to an idea and create something quite magical!
Here is a list https://d23.com/list-of-disney-films/
While you do not have to follow the twist to enter - it is fun, a further challenge AND
you might be chosen as a DT Favorite!
Remember - NO STAMPS.
We are still getting people entering pieces of work where a stamp is front and centre.
They are just disqualified.
The usual prize is available
$15 Aust
payable either through Paypal
or as a voucher to an on-line shop that accepts Paypal
Our team are all struggling with Corona related issues or technology issues
this week and so there are no inspirational pieces to show you
Please remember you are not restricted to cards
Walt Disney made lots of films - nature and the environment features
as do animals and birds--and even inanimate objects like cups and saucers!
A pretty special sunrise from the Rocky Cape National Park, on Tassie’s north-west coast, thanks to
Krissy Logan
who says “Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim.” ~ Tyler Knott Gregson
You can also follow Krissy via instagram

Walt also made lots of fantasy films and created many characters
Perhaps one of these images will inspire you!
You have until midnight on Friday!