Well, Hello again! It was just a few days ago we were in June and now look at what has happened!

Don't know about you, but life has been full of surprises lately - and Australia got one yesterday. Don't know if you are aware, but we voted Saturday for a new Federal government. It is compulsory to vote in Australia - so there are a few donkey voters, but apart from them, about 97% of us go to the polling booths, and put in our two pennies worth about who should represent us in Canberra. One of the most important things to decide is which polling booth to attend, as you need to select the one that has a pretty good sausage sizzle going - has to be an upside to waiting in line - and where the parking is not too bad. We got in to our local church hall about midday, ate a sausage in white bread, waited about 20 minutes, voted (the size of that Senate paper, eh!) and left after exchanging Hello's with neighbours and friends. Then all we had to do was wait to see who would be leading us for another four years - and suffer some indigestion from the sausage (or was it the white bread?)
Usually by 9.00 pm we have an idea of the leader and go to bed either grumpy or happy, depending on who gets the majority vote. Well, last night I went to bed at 1.00 am still no wiser and here we are today, still with a deadlocked government. The voter's are always right - perhaps we are trying to tell the politicians to just get on with it and do their jobs and learn to get along instead of scrapping and shouting and losing tempers and in general behaving like naughty children. Now, that's a thought.........
On with July's CARD challenge!
Yes, this month we want card's only please
Theme: Go Native
TWIST "It's hip to be square"
So, anything that represents what it is to be a native of your country - sport, cultural, spiritual, political, past or present, floral or animal...........
The twist is to make a square card!
The prize on offer - Embossing folder plus sequins
My small Design Team of amazing talented crafters have come up with some wonderful ideas to inspire you.
This week we say goodbye to Berina: thanks for all your work Berina and we wish you well in your soon-to-be-very-busy future, and welcome a new team member -
You may know Vicki by her Avitar
Vicki says: "I live in Melbourne, Australia with my husband and four children. I have been crafting in one format or another for as long as I can remember. I started my blog to share my (many) creations."
For this challenge I have gone with the unofficial colours of green and gold (yellow) for Australia.
A square card using the colours of the flag of my native country.....the UK.
Fishing is an extremely popular West Australian pastime. My family are all mad keen fisher people.
I do love a pun......
So, off you go and start going native with a card!
You can link it up at the Linky thing below and have a month to get your project in. Remember, you can enter more than once, but NO STAMPS please.