13 February 2022

Signing Off

 Hello Peeps

Well, my decision was sort of made for me. For a few months I have been wondering if I have the time to devote to this challenge page and if it should continue into 2022. I ended last year undecided.

However, the events of the new year have sort of made it irrelevant. I have had a funny start to the new year with a busy Christmas season, and family events intruding on our time. Then I got a frozen shoulder and could not use a keyboard. 

Some of you may know that my husband is not that well. He is actually physically better than he has been for a while but he has had a diagnosis of dementia. Sorting out the medical care, the legal and financial stuff and taking over the outside jobs and house maintenance, as well as my Uni commitments AND trying to craft was impossible. I am now my husband's Carer: luckily he has  qualified for a Federal Government Level 4 Aged Care plan which we now have nearly in place. One needs a tertiary degree to work all that out, I have decided. So hard to navigate.   Add in a few physical issues on my side and it all imploded. 

So... after all that, Unstampabelles will no longer continue for the time being. It is going into cold storage for the foreseeable future.  I know there are two outstanding winners to be sorted still. I will get to them in the next week. This is the first time I have sat at the computer to do anything other than play a game or scroll through facebook. 

Thank you for all the people who have contacted me with messages. I am OK and hopefully my neck will get better quicker too! Thank you to the people who read the posts and who entered the challenges too. 

A special BIG THANK YOU to my amazing Design Team. So patient and good. I am sorry ladies that this is the end of the team for the time being. Thank you for all your wishes and assistance. 

Everyone - keep safe and stay positive: craft up a storm and send out cards to all your friends!

27 December 2021

Merry Christmas and last week for Challenge#118: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

 Welcome Peeps!

So sorry this is late - I was taking some time off.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and that Santa arrived with the goodies required. We as usual ate too much but for once I was good with the champers.

Woke up yesterday all bright eyed and bushy tailed!

We had family and friends over plus a few on Skype due to COVID tests - but we got around it and the food left over was well distributed to all of them so that my fridge was not left full of too many left-overs and I will not be racking my brains in how to use them up. 

Remember the challenge is about 

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

 and the TWIST is to keep it simple

My card is simple and yet looks amazing. 

I saw it on Pinterest so it is a copy of someone else's great thinking

Made with another background - looks just as good.

You can go to my page to see how it was done

You have five days left to enter. 

20 December 2021

Challenge#118: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year TWIST KIS please


Hi Peeps

Getting closer to Christmas!

Keep safe out there folks - hunker down and stay close to family and friends.

Remember the theme for this challenge is: 

  #118: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!  

TWIST:  Keep it simple please

We are midway through the challenge and you have two more weeks to add to the great entries we already have.  You have to be in it to win it as they say!

Remember, there is a random number draw for $15 Australian gift voucher and a DT favourite or two to be decided

Here is a beautiful card to get you going from the amazing DT member

13 December 2021

Challenge #118: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year! TWIST is KISS plus November winners

  #118: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!  

TWIST:  Keep it simple please

Well Hello Peeps - Wow, you like this challenge, eh?

Lots of gorgeous entries already

Remember there is a prize each month and there is also a DT Favorite drawn, and it is time to do that for November's winners

Random Lucky Number is

20 Lia

Lia, send me an email to suhoganatgmaildotcomedotau and I will get back to you about the prize

There are two DT Favorites this week


Congratulations to all three

Now, I have some inspirational tags for you to get the creatives moving (by Susan)

Christmas tags for all those parcels!

Simple and easy to construct - go to my blog for details.
See you next week. 

Remember: NO STAMPS please

06 December 2021

Challenge#118: To the most Wonderful Time of the Year with a TWIST of KIS

  #118: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!  

TWIST:  Keep it simple please

Yes, it is that time of the year again - Christmas!

I cannot believe (truly, this time) that another year has flown bye.... and we are well into the month already. There are officially 19 days to go until the big red jolly man climbs down the chimney (sounds a bit creepy, doesn't it) and delivers presents under the tree. 

But only if you have been good all year!

Dale as usual has produced a fabulous piece to start us off so what can you come up with to fit this theme?  The TWIST is to keep it all simple - and when making Christmas cards that is what I know I try to do. Remember, it can be anything that is paper based except for using stamps. NO STAMPS PLEASE.

Oh, and sorry for the ear worm with the theme


You have four weeks to enter

28 November 2021

New Challenge next week

 Hi Peeps... remember, new challenges start on the first Monday of a month. 

See you next week. 

22 November 2021

Last week for our November Challenge: #117 Colour My World Twist make it colourful


#117: November: Colour my World 

TWIST: make it colourful

It's our last week for the November Challenge
We have five days to go, so get those entries in folks!

I have had a busy week - but still managed early on to
make these two cards

Isa that colourful enough?

Go on, you can create something in time to enter the competition!

15 November 2021

November: Challenge#117: Colour My World

 Week Three

Hello Fellow Crafters.....here's hoping that all is well with you and yours. We are surviving OK but Spring seems to have lost its job description and is confused with Autumn. It's cold and wet today and they are talking of snow later on today! The the sun comes out and the plants think it is summer already and sprint off! My tomatoes have flowers and that is not supposed to happen for another 2-3 weeks....

COVID is still disrupting life everywhere I note. Please get your vaccinations and if needed, the booster. Hubby and I will be boosting early in 2022. Until then we can only hope to stay away from anyone with the virus atm.

Now, this month we are celebrating colour

#117: November: Colour my World 

TWIST: make it colourful

As it is close to Christmas, there is no surprise that Christmas cards etc feature  - like for the DT inspirations - but you don't have to make a Christmas card. You can create anything paper based as long as there is colour in it - however much colour is up to you too....

Vicki went for lots of colour


Mine is a bit more muted - red/blue/green

Let's see what you can create with using stamps....
there are some very yummy entries to date!

08 November 2021

Week 2 in November: Challenge#117: Colour My World TWIST make it colourful!


#117: November: Colour my World 

TWIST: make it colourful

This is quite an open theme - it can be about someone colouring your world, or about something colourful in your world or about colour -what is your favorite?

Before we have the DT Inspiration piece, the winners for October are to be announced:

Random Number Winner

DT Favorite

Congratulations Ladies. Wendy, shoot me an email please

I have a card for you today for this challenge

A Christmas card for the stash - up to 16 done now out of 80+ needed....
You can go to my blog to see how it was made. 

Some non-traditional colours for Christmas this year.....
What can you come up with?
Three weeks to go....

01 November 2021

#117 Colour My World November Challenge

 Hello Peeps

Welcome to November

The challenge this month is.......

#117: November: Colour my World 

TWIST: make it colourful

This is quite an open theme - it can be about someone colouring your world, or about something colourful in your world or about colour -what is your favorite?

My favorite colour would have to be green but red is a close one behind: then I think I like all the other colours equally but I sure do like a world in colour rather than black and white or worse, multiple shades of grey

What is your favorite?

Remember, your entry can be anything paper related but cannot have a stamp - people sometimes think sentiment stamps don't count but they do......NO STAMPS at all please.

Dale created a beautiful pair of cards for this month's theme and TWIST

